I apologize ahead of time for the delay in posting a new blog! We have had a busy couple of weeks!! (Let the updating commence!)
Last week was insanely busy for David! Of course he had his group project due in the form of his presentation and also his poster was due. He spent much of his free time working with his group to put the finishing touches on their work. I am so proud of him for the hard work and hours he put into the project! He sacrificed a lot of time with me just so he could finished. There were times I was a little annoyed (I must admit this) but in the end knew it was what had to be done.
I have also started work in full swing! It has its ups and its downs, but for the most part I really enjoy my job and t

As is customary for this time of year, David and I put our Christmas tree up tonight. We had a wonderful time bonding and laughing like a couple of teenagers. :-) We bought a small container of Pumpkin Eggnog and "dusted" off the Christmas music and went to town decorating our tree. It was quite a lovely cheap date at home, and well worth fighting the strands of Christmas lights for that time together. :-) (See photos)

As always we have prayer requests for you guys to end out this update out. Please continue to keep my Grandma Warren in your prayers. She will be having surgery on Monday and of course this is a very frightening though for anyone, but its even more scary for us as we are unsure what the results of this surgery will be. Please pray that God will guide the surgeon's hands as well as positive results of the surgery. Please also be praying for the JBC students as next week will start the Thanksgiving Break week for them and most will be traveling. Also pray for safe travel for my parents and brothers. They will be heading home for Thanksgiving on Wednesday.
We Love you all and hope to be hearing from you soon!! :-D

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