Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to make an American Quilt

Last night I watched a movie called "How to Make an American Quilt" about a young lady who goes to stay with her grandmother for the summer while writing her master's thesis. The premise of the movie is based around six older women and the construction of a "love quilt." Each block of the quilt was designed to represent what each woman viewed as love. The blocks ranged from flowers to a diving board.

This story got me thinking about my family and friends. What would their interpretation of love be? I know that mine would be a chapel, not just because of the fact that it represents my faith, but also because a chapel was the place I married David. Its where our story began. We met at a place of faith, married at a place of faith, and made a promise before God and our family that we would continue to carry on that faith to our new family. A chapel is not only symbolic, but important to us.

Each of us has a story to tell, and though I did not agree with the story these women told, it was in fact a story that so many of us can relate with. Love is a powerful emotion, something that binds parents to children, husbands to wives, and friends together for life. Love is honest, pure, and passionate. Love when embraced can heal a wounded heart and restore a broken relationship. With every fiber of my being I believe that love is what keeps me going. Not just the love of my partner, but of a heavenly father who desires nothing but the very best for me.

How to make an American Quilt also got me thinking about my relationship with my husband. How do I want others to see it? I know that my husband makes me a better person. He challenges me to examine the areas of my life that I can not see. He challenges me to change the negative aspects of my character. David and I strive to have the type of marriage that others can look at and say "In fifty years I hope my marriage is just like yours!" I look at both of our parents and feel that I want to have the kind of relationship with my spouse that they have with theirs. It takes a lot of hard work, determination, communication, and forgiveness to have a marriage like that, but its something I pray we will hold on to.

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