That being said I have also seen a side to my husband that warms my heart. I have seen him grow up a lot and at the same time revisit his childhood. Its an aspect of him that I have not experienced before and it makes me smile. He is so gentle with our daughter and instead of tuning her out (like some new fathers do) he finds the joy in spending time with her. He has even creatively found a way to spend time with her while doing the things he loves. (Here you see him playing a video game with Alex on his lap. I know the photo is dark, but I HAD to share it)
I have also learned in this past month that sneaking in quiet time with my husband is going to be tricky! Just about the time we sit on the couch to watch a movie or I snuggle in beside him to have one of our formally long talks.... she starts crying. I usually laugh, look at David and say "Our daughter has impeccable timing!" Something as simple as sitting down to eat a meal together has become more tricky. Now life involves balancing a baby on my lap, a fork in my hand and trying to eat without spilling on her! I laughed to myself this evening when attempting to cook dinner the baby started crying. "My fault"I thought, "I should have looked at the clock!" She was due for a feeding and I didn't realize it when I put dinner in the oven. Thankfully David was home and he was able to assist me in getting it out of the oven with out it burning! I have also learned through all of this that we work really well as a team. When I get discouraged, he is there to encourage me to keep at it. When he feels frustrated, I am there to help him out. We work together, even when we have our differences in how things should be done.
I have also started to realize that I can't always have things my way. Sometimes I am DEAD wrong and I have been forced to eat a few pieces of humble pie in the last four weeks. Its okay. I am only human after all. In realizing this I have been forced to laugh at myself. I'm finding out really quickly that if you don't have a sense of humor about kids, life is going to be PRETTY miserable. Its okay though, being a mom is what I want and what I feel I will be good at. I'm not good at school, I'm not that great at any one particular skill, but what I AM good at is nurturing. I always have been. And with that being said I have found the Joys of Motherhood. Its very special. Its a gift we waited a long time for and one we had a lot of heart ache to get to. We love our little girl and we are proud to call ourselves her parents. She is our joy and I know one day she will do great things. I don't care what those things are, only that they will be great. God has blessed us with her and we pray deeply that she will know the love we have for her is only a fraction of what God feels for her. Its unconditional and its forever. :-)
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