Friday, September 6, 2013


I'll admit it, I am less than "conventional" in my parenting choices. This much is evident just by looking at my photos on Facebook or having a five minute conversation with me. We co-sleep so I can get the maximum amount of sleep that feeding a newborn/infant demands, I babywear, I believe in natural child birth, my son is uncircumcised, I believe in using natural medicine the majority of the time (but acknowledge that Western Medicine DOES have it's place), and I believe in gentle disciple. While home this weekend visiting family I was given many "are you crazy?!" looks when some of these facts came to light. It's true, in some people's eyes I am a bit crazy, but it is okay.

Here is the thing. I don't feel that as a mom I should have to constantly defend my choices to parent the way I feel is most effective. I don't question you when you make a choice that I am not on board with. I do what is best for my family in my personal opinion. Sometimes those choices are not even the same amongst myself and my spouse, but we do the best that we can because that's what we know we should do. We aren't perfect, but we love our two children.

 I don't usually broadcast to the world about my feelings concerning circumcision, so I had one person that was highly surprised to find out that we did not have Nathaniel circumcised. The biggest reason for me was that I did not want to put my child under the knife for a cosmetic surgery when it was not needed. If he chooses to have it done later in life, it was his choice and I will support that. Truthfully, having my daughter's ears pierced without her having a say about it was one of my biggest parenting regrets. I believe that circumcision is a HIGHLY personal choice, just as personal as who you vote for or your religious faith and not one that should EVER be questioned. You don't know my reasons and I don't feel I have to explain them to you.

Yet another example is my choice to breastfeed. Please people, if a mom is breastfeeding, PLEASE, PLEASE ,PLEASE, PLEASE, do not suggest to her that "maybe they are still hungry" or "maybe a little formula wouldn't hurt them." There are some people that are so "old school" on this thought that they have a closed mind and are not willing to be educated on breastfeeding a baby. Yes, I know my babies eat frequently and sometimes for super long periods of time, but that is NORMAL for them. I don't mind (most days) and know that this is but a short season in their lives, before long he will be too busy and too independent for me to enjoy this special time. All this does is to accomplish is discourage a breastfeeding mom and make her feel as though she is inadequate.

And finally, please be respectful of our choices. No matter if you are a friend or family, if a mom or dad says something concerning their child, respect their wishes. If a mom says "I do not want my child to have too much television time." then the logical thing would be to honor her wish and limit television time. If a dad says "We don't let them have sweets." honor that wish, regardless of how you feel about the parents choices, if they are not directly harming their children, who cares what they choose? Shut your mouth, sit down and honor their requests, it isn't your place to interject your thoughts or feelings unless they ASK you.

Yes I know in recent years I have become more outspoken about my feelings, but the fact of the matter is when it comes to my children I really don't give a darn what you think, they are my children and I will parent them how I feel is best. I know that this whole post is a bit of a rant, but there so many more things I could cover that I didn't even get into.

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