Dear friends and family,
First let me apologize for waiting as long as I have to update you on the inner workings of the Heselton household! It has been a chaotic and insane couple of weeks. (No exaggerations there!) Between family visiting, unpacking, and travels of our own, we have had narry a moment to breath. My immune system has been complaining rather loudly at the lack of rest it has recieved and as a result I have developed cold after cold after cold this year! YUCK! Not a pleasent way to end the year!
After my last post we had a short visit from Frank and Brenda. It was a lovely visit, but much too short! They drove down on Saturday and stayed for just over 24 hours! During this trip they brought both boys their birthday presents (Matt's birthday was the 20th and David's is January 6th) and Christmas for all three of us. David and I could hardly stand the Christmas presents under the tree taunting us!!
We also had the funny misfortune of dealing with a Super Glue incident on the day his mother and father were to arrive. I decided that this would be the opprotune time to fix the shower hooks that had the decorative metal buttons fall off. As I was hanging up the first shower hook, the button shifted and the end result was a super glued eye!! Though I know my in-laws would not have cared if the decorative buttons were on our shower hooks, to me it seemed to be a big deal! Oh if only I had known the incedent would occure! The glue burned like nothing I have ever felt!! We successfully were able to remove the glue from my eye by placing my head under warm running watter and letting it run over the eye for an hour. Lesson learned though! Make sure super glue is 100% dry before you raise it above your head!! :-D
We also headed up north to visit my family for the holiday as of last week. My grandmother did not have a clue we were coming and it felt great to surprise her on Christmas evening! The look on her face was well worth the travel time!!! :-) Thanks to my mom and dad we had a place to stay for free (My Grandma Wlodarski's) and we enjoyed our time visiting with them! David and I also spent some time with my little cousins and we had an enjoyable time watching the little girls beat the snot out of Jacob in Wii bowling! :-P Oh fun times!!
My only regret for this Christmas season was not actually making it up to my family in Virgina. I know David greatly misses home and his mom and dad! We do plan on making a trip up there later this winter, but it still is not the same as making it home for Christmas! :-( We have also agreed that in years to come we are going to spend time with our family on a rotating schedule until we have children. Once kids come along, we are not 100% sure how we will handle that challenge. The great news is that my parents and his parents live close together, so potentially we could have Christmas on the same day with BOTH families!! :-D God sure did know what he was doing when he moved mom and dad close to Frank and Brenda!! :-D Certainly makes balanceing our two families a lot easier! :-D
As with every post I would like to ask for a few prayer requests! It is the end of the year and I am asking that you all think about the year and what you have to be thankful for! 2009 was a very productive year for many of us, but lets see what 2010 will bring us!! :-D I also ask that you continue to pray for my grandmother. She had a PET scan this week and we have not heard the news on that test yet. I also ask that you keep my littlest cousin Crista in your prayers. She is have some trouble with her leg and is getting ready to be taken through a ton of tests to find out what is wrong. She had an x-ray done on the 21st and she has a dark spot on her bone. Please pray that this is nothing serious and that the shadow is nothing to be concerned about! 2009 has been a rough year health wise for my family, and we are asking that 2010 will be a lot easier and not as difficult!
Sending you all lots of love!!
Sarah and David
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Chaos that ensues....
Hey guys (and gals)!!!!
Well as you all know by now, David and I have moved!! A HUGE blessing this Christmas season, but a pain in my hind quarters at points! David and I began a housing search at the beginning of October that we kept quiet from most people. We felt the need to move from the place we were living into something better suited for our needs. We notified a few people that we were going to be moving and that we were very uncertain about the time frame due to finances and the typical lack of housing in Knoxville. After all, this is a college town, and the likely hood of finding someplace to move into quickly and CHEAPLY was very small. Needless to say God proved faithful and proved to us that if we trust him to handle things, our life is simply made richer. We chose to stay in West Knoxville due mostly in part to this is where we live out our day to day lives. I work right across the street and David works about a ten minute drive away. Our church is about five minutes away, and every activity imaginable is located within a fifteen minute drive from our apartment! What couldn't be more perfect about these living arrangements?!
We packed rather quickly and with the help of some friends we had most of our belongings moved within a matter of hours!! How cool is that?! Of course life has been rather chaotic since the move, but we are slowly settling in and enjoying our new home! (Pictures will follow once we are all unpacked!)
Of course life has been hectic in other ways for us too. David is almost done with school for the semester and that makes for a busy time for both of us! I, of course, work in retail and can not even BEGIN to tell you how hectic that is!! There are days I come home from work and shut off simply because that is all I can do. I am ever so grateful that my spouse understands this and does not pressure me to talk about it to death. Of course he is always there to listen when I need to vent, and for that I am grateful too! We a blessing my husband truly is!!
As with every closing of each post, we are asking for prayer! My dad had gallbladder surgery yesterday and we ask for quick healing! Dad has had a rough month physically so we are also praying that we can get these few bumps in the road out now so that next year will be smooth for him!! :-) We also ask for prayer with grandma! She returns to the doctor at the end of the month for a follow up visit concerning her surgery. Please pray that everything goes smoothly with that!! And finaly we ask for prayer concerning David's last few weeks at JBC as a full time student! This is a bittersweet time in his life and also a very hectic one! Pray for a smooth transistion into what God brings for us next!! :-)
Well as you all know by now, David and I have moved!! A HUGE blessing this Christmas season, but a pain in my hind quarters at points! David and I began a housing search at the beginning of October that we kept quiet from most people. We felt the need to move from the place we were living into something better suited for our needs. We notified a few people that we were going to be moving and that we were very uncertain about the time frame due to finances and the typical lack of housing in Knoxville. After all, this is a college town, and the likely hood of finding someplace to move into quickly and CHEAPLY was very small. Needless to say God proved faithful and proved to us that if we trust him to handle things, our life is simply made richer. We chose to stay in West Knoxville due mostly in part to this is where we live out our day to day lives. I work right across the street and David works about a ten minute drive away. Our church is about five minutes away, and every activity imaginable is located within a fifteen minute drive from our apartment! What couldn't be more perfect about these living arrangements?!
We packed rather quickly and with the help of some friends we had most of our belongings moved within a matter of hours!! How cool is that?! Of course life has been rather chaotic since the move, but we are slowly settling in and enjoying our new home! (Pictures will follow once we are all unpacked!)
Of course life has been hectic in other ways for us too. David is almost done with school for the semester and that makes for a busy time for both of us! I, of course, work in retail and can not even BEGIN to tell you how hectic that is!! There are days I come home from work and shut off simply because that is all I can do. I am ever so grateful that my spouse understands this and does not pressure me to talk about it to death. Of course he is always there to listen when I need to vent, and for that I am grateful too! We a blessing my husband truly is!!
As with every closing of each post, we are asking for prayer! My dad had gallbladder surgery yesterday and we ask for quick healing! Dad has had a rough month physically so we are also praying that we can get these few bumps in the road out now so that next year will be smooth for him!! :-) We also ask for prayer with grandma! She returns to the doctor at the end of the month for a follow up visit concerning her surgery. Please pray that everything goes smoothly with that!! And finaly we ask for prayer concerning David's last few weeks at JBC as a full time student! This is a bittersweet time in his life and also a very hectic one! Pray for a smooth transistion into what God brings for us next!! :-)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday Maddness
Greetings all!!
As I am certain you are all aware today was the doomed Black Friday event that all overzealous shoppers plan for all year long. Shoppers armed with credit cards, carts, left overs stowed away in coolers, and fists come in droves at ungodly hours every year just for a small deal. I had the unfortunate pleasure of working in the mad house known to you all as Wal-Mart. I truly have a new found respect for my mother and father's dedication in getting the best deal on an item their kids really wanted!! Thanks Mom and Dad for all of the years of unexpressed gratitude you deserve!!
My morning started bright and early at 3:30am, crawling out of bed to brush my teeth, hair, and grab something quick to eat on the way out the door. Upon my arrival at Wal-Mart, I combed the parking lot for a parking space in the back 40 of the lot! I had the unlucky pleasure of being stationed at a "big ticket" item (Sony Bravia 42 inch TVS!). Most of you know just how much I HATE crowds, and this bunch was no exception! I faced everything from being flipped off, and being called the warden, to hearing a few F bombs! Granted, most people were pleasant, but with every bunch of apples, you have a few bad ones.
The observations I made were astounding and I have no words to even begin to describe the experience! I witnessed theft first hand as well as the need for security! People are sadly greedier than ever, and these types of events bring out the worst in human nature. It appears as though parents are desperate to get a "deal" and the biggest and the best for their children. I can only hope that we do not raise selfish children, as this (one day) mother will not fight for stuff! Its simply not worth it!!
After leaving Wal-Mart today, David and I made the choice to go continue our apartment search. Since our last update, David and I have been hitting the housing circuit big time so that we can move. We have decided that staying in this house is not worth it to us physically or financially. Our landlord attempted to fix the mold issues in our bathroom, but unfortunately we are starting to see it come back. We also have been looking to downgrade into something small to save ourselves some money.
We decided to take the best deal we could find, and Avalon West seems to be that deal! Its a two bedroom, one bath, and laundry room unit that fits perfectly to all of our needs! The rent is amazing (probably the best deal in town!) and the location is a God send!! We feel as though this is an answer to prayer and just the place God has been guiding us to all along! (Can I get an AMEN!!??) The only catch is we have to sign the lease by the 30th, so it is very likely we will be moving with in the next few days!
Another answered prayer this week has been my grandmother! She had surgery on Monday, and all went well! The pathology report came back negative for cancer on her thyroid, however we are not cancer free (as far as I know). She was kept an extra day in the hospital due to dehydration, but is home now and recovering quite nicely!! We are so proud of how tough she has been!! :-D
As with every post we still have prayer requests! We ask that you pray for safe travel for my parents as they will be heading back home this weekend. We also ask that you pray for this move and for everything to fall into place to make it as smooth as possible!
We love you all and are praying for blessings and Peace this Christmas season! Remember the reason we celebrate this holiday and the sacrifice and love our father has for us!!
As I am certain you are all aware today was the doomed Black Friday event that all overzealous shoppers plan for all year long. Shoppers armed with credit cards, carts, left overs stowed away in coolers, and fists come in droves at ungodly hours every year just for a small deal. I had the unfortunate pleasure of working in the mad house known to you all as Wal-Mart. I truly have a new found respect for my mother and father's dedication in getting the best deal on an item their kids really wanted!! Thanks Mom and Dad for all of the years of unexpressed gratitude you deserve!!
My morning started bright and early at 3:30am, crawling out of bed to brush my teeth, hair, and grab something quick to eat on the way out the door. Upon my arrival at Wal-Mart, I combed the parking lot for a parking space in the back 40 of the lot! I had the unlucky pleasure of being stationed at a "big ticket" item (Sony Bravia 42 inch TVS!). Most of you know just how much I HATE crowds, and this bunch was no exception! I faced everything from being flipped off, and being called the warden, to hearing a few F bombs! Granted, most people were pleasant, but with every bunch of apples, you have a few bad ones.
The observations I made were astounding and I have no words to even begin to describe the experience! I witnessed theft first hand as well as the need for security! People are sadly greedier than ever, and these types of events bring out the worst in human nature. It appears as though parents are desperate to get a "deal" and the biggest and the best for their children. I can only hope that we do not raise selfish children, as this (one day) mother will not fight for stuff! Its simply not worth it!!
After leaving Wal-Mart today, David and I made the choice to go continue our apartment search. Since our last update, David and I have been hitting the housing circuit big time so that we can move. We have decided that staying in this house is not worth it to us physically or financially. Our landlord attempted to fix the mold issues in our bathroom, but unfortunately we are starting to see it come back. We also have been looking to downgrade into something small to save ourselves some money.
We decided to take the best deal we could find, and Avalon West seems to be that deal! Its a two bedroom, one bath, and laundry room unit that fits perfectly to all of our needs! The rent is amazing (probably the best deal in town!) and the location is a God send!! We feel as though this is an answer to prayer and just the place God has been guiding us to all along! (Can I get an AMEN!!??) The only catch is we have to sign the lease by the 30th, so it is very likely we will be moving with in the next few days!
Another answered prayer this week has been my grandmother! She had surgery on Monday, and all went well! The pathology report came back negative for cancer on her thyroid, however we are not cancer free (as far as I know). She was kept an extra day in the hospital due to dehydration, but is home now and recovering quite nicely!! We are so proud of how tough she has been!! :-D
As with every post we still have prayer requests! We ask that you pray for safe travel for my parents as they will be heading back home this weekend. We also ask that you pray for this move and for everything to fall into place to make it as smooth as possible!
We love you all and are praying for blessings and Peace this Christmas season! Remember the reason we celebrate this holiday and the sacrifice and love our father has for us!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Deck the Halls

I apologize ahead of time for the delay in posting a new blog! We have had a busy couple of weeks!! (Let the updating commence!)
Last week was insanely busy for David! Of course he had his group project due in the form of his presentation and also his poster was due. He spent much of his free time working with his group to put the finishing touches on their work. I am so proud of him for the hard work and hours he put into the project! He sacrificed a lot of time with me just so he could finished. There were times I was a little annoyed (I must admit this) but in the end knew it was what had to be done.
I have also started work in full swing! It has its ups and its downs, but for the most part I really enjoy my job and t

As is customary for this time of year, David and I put our Christmas tree up tonight. We had a wonderful time bonding and laughing like a couple of teenagers. :-) We bought a small container of Pumpkin Eggnog and "dusted" off the Christmas music and went to town decorating our tree. It was quite a lovely cheap date at home, and well worth fighting the strands of Christmas lights for that time together. :-) (See photos)

As always we have prayer requests for you guys to end out this update out. Please continue to keep my Grandma Warren in your prayers. She will be having surgery on Monday and of course this is a very frightening though for anyone, but its even more scary for us as we are unsure what the results of this surgery will be. Please pray that God will guide the surgeon's hands as well as positive results of the surgery. Please also be praying for the JBC students as next week will start the Thanksgiving Break week for them and most will be traveling. Also pray for safe travel for my parents and brothers. They will be heading home for Thanksgiving on Wednesday.
We Love you all and hope to be hearing from you soon!! :-D

Monday, November 9, 2009
Hey Y'all Its Fall
Well, Fall has hit our home full force! Since the last post we have faced Halloween and the dreaded UT Homecoming! David and I made some observations about fall in East Tennessee and to mildly state it, this town is NUTS!
I worked Halloween and made a few observations about people in general, but particularly the crazy costumes I saw. What ever happened to the good clean days of Halloween when kids dressed up in Poodle Skirts and Pirate gear?! I was thoroughly appalled at the costumes that PARENTS put let their children wear! Now let me be quick to say that many of the people I saw were college students, but I saw a large portion of kids wearing skimpy outfits and gory clothes.
Let me just state right now how much I hate what Halloween has become in the last few years. I never have been in agreement with the intent and purpose of Halloween, but I always found it fun to dress up as a kid for sake of pretending. It was fun to become someone you would not normally be in real life! I traditionally favored the Princess costume, but my mom was pretty amazing at coming up with creative costumes for us kids! (Note the Old Man/Lady Costume and Butterfly Costume she came up with)
That leads me to the costumes that many of these college guys AND girls wore! Wow! Talk about leaving nothing to the imagination!! What ever happened to good old Fashioned Modesty?! Granted I have been known to wear a spaghetti strap tank or two in my time, but this goes far beyond showing a minimal amount of skin. The girls are the worst of them all. Its like they were trying to get a sexual reaction out of the men! What I don't understand is that these ladies wear these tight pants, even tighter shirts, and barely there skirts that are obviously going to get some kind of sexual response out of ANY man and then wonder why their boyfriends don't respect them.
Really, is it that difficult to keep yourself covered. I was told countless times as a kid by not only my parents, but many influential women in my life, that modesty is something that very few understand, practice, or appreciate these days! Let me issue this challenge to my single girlfriends, Cover it up ladies everyday for a month and lets see how things change with your relationship with men. I guarantee the your boyfriends will appreciate your personality a lot more AND in turn come to respect you as a person a lot more! I promise you that it will help your Christian brothers to keep from falling into sin.
I worked Halloween and made a few observations about people in general, but particularly the crazy costumes I saw. What ever happened to the good clean days of Halloween when kids dressed up in Poodle Skirts and Pirate gear?! I was thoroughly appalled at the costumes that PARENTS put let their children wear! Now let me be quick to say that many of the people I saw were college students, but I saw a large portion of kids wearing skimpy outfits and gory clothes.
Let me just state right now how much I hate what Halloween has become in the last few years. I never have been in agreement with the intent and purpose of Halloween, but I always found it fun to dress up as a kid for sake of pretending. It was fun to become someone you would not normally be in real life! I traditionally favored the Princess costume, but my mom was pretty amazing at coming up with creative costumes for us kids! (Note the Old Man/Lady Costume and Butterfly Costume she came up with)
That leads me to the costumes that many of these college guys AND girls wore! Wow! Talk about leaving nothing to the imagination!! What ever happened to good old Fashioned Modesty?! Granted I have been known to wear a spaghetti strap tank or two in my time, but this goes far beyond showing a minimal amount of skin. The girls are the worst of them all. Its like they were trying to get a sexual reaction out of the men! What I don't understand is that these ladies wear these tight pants, even tighter shirts, and barely there skirts that are obviously going to get some kind of sexual response out of ANY man and then wonder why their boyfriends don't respect them.
Really, is it that difficult to keep yourself covered. I was told countless times as a kid by not only my parents, but many influential women in my life, that modesty is something that very few understand, practice, or appreciate these days! Let me issue this challenge to my single girlfriends, Cover it up ladies everyday for a month and lets see how things change with your relationship with men. I guarantee the your boyfriends will appreciate your personality a lot more AND in turn come to respect you as a person a lot more! I promise you that it will help your Christian brothers to keep from falling into sin.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cold is Approaching
Winter is quickly approaching our new home and with that comes holiday celebrations, family gatherings, shopping, decorations, and a general sense of happiness. Yet for me the winter months are often the worst! Not only has the cold settled in on my bones, but a sadness sweeps over me. Most of this sadness comes from my overly nostalgic nature, but some of it can be attributed to depression. Though I love the holiday season, starting from the very first fall celebration right down to New Years and even into February where we celebrate Valentines day. I enjoy sharing of myself in ways such as cooking meals and making gifts and wrapping them.
I often find myself saddened at the holiday season thinking about family, friends and "lost" traditions. I know I know, I'm far too sentimental for my own well being!! But bare with me for a few as a I explain. I miss the family "togetherness" that occurred during my childhood. I honestly miss things like visiting the pumpkin patch, decorating the tree, making cookies with my mom, and the Christmas gift shopping with my brothers. I look back over the last four years and instead of seeing some of these things (yes some are still present, but not as much) I miss the little things. Instead I see in their place things such as decorating my own tree (that I have done alone in years past), making my own cookies (though this is still a tradition my mom tries to do when I am home) and cooking my own turkey! I am glad in a way that these are traditions that I had as a child, and things I think very fondly about around this time of year. I have come to the realization that it is time for David and I to take on our own traditions, keeping some of the old ones and creating our own new ones. I can't help but wonder what our future children will see when they are grown and remember the things David and I did with them during the holidays.
The holidays also come with a certain sadness in our family now. We are grown up, and with that comes the dropping of certain childish traditions and separate lives. The holidays have also been sad since the loss of my grandfather, whom I miss dearly. He was a very special person in our childhood and someone who's loss is greatly felt in our hearts. Coming together on my mother's side of the family hasn't felt the same since, though we have moved on with our lives, we still take pause and remember.
Also during this time of the year I often find myself missing my siblings and parents much more. I miss Indiana and (oddly enough) the snow! I miss the days of going to the pumpkin patch with my brothers, picking pumpkins, and drinking warm apple cider. (Granted this tradition hasn't occurred since my youngest brother entered the phase of his life that this was no longer cool!) I find myself longing for those silly little outings as a family and I find myself regretting (however small) moving away from home. Of course Joshua and I no longer live at home, and Jacob is quickly approaching the age where he will leave the nest. Since we are scattered in our various homes, it makes family celebrations much more difficult. We must plan time to visit and make arrangements to leave our homes for periods of time. Unfortunately thats part of life when you are grown and away from home.
That being said, my conversations with David have turned to things that he misses from his childhood and traditions he would like to keep going. We both agree that things like a Christmas tree, pumpkins, and family dinners will be a must in our home, but aside from that we are uncertain. I of course will continue the practice of making turkey for Thanksgiving and dressing up for Halloween. (Though Halloween will be discussed as we have children) I'm certain that in years to come we will see where the road takes us and what traditions we will incorporate into our home.
Finally we ask for your prayers on a few things. I interviewed this week for a job that has been offered to me. We are waiting on the background check to come and then I may start. We also ask that you keep my Dad in your prayers. He has a case of cellulitess in his knee from a minor spill he took last week. He's on medication now and should be good as new soon. Just pray that everything heals well! Of course we ask that you continue to pray for my grandmother as she continues to battle the Lymphoma. And finally we ask you pray for our friends Bart and Andi Cameron as they will be heading back to the states from their internship in Mexico. Andi is pregnant (this is their first) and they will be continuing their educations at JBC coming in the spring. So they will have a few adjustments to make!! I am thrilled to no end for them (Andi was my roomate and I have known Bart since childhood) and continue to be amazed at the work God is doing in them and through them!! :-D
As always we love you guys!!
David and Sarah Heselton
I often find myself saddened at the holiday season thinking about family, friends and "lost" traditions. I know I know, I'm far too sentimental for my own well being!! But bare with me for a few as a I explain. I miss the family "togetherness" that occurred during my childhood. I honestly miss things like visiting the pumpkin patch, decorating the tree, making cookies with my mom, and the Christmas gift shopping with my brothers. I look back over the last four years and instead of seeing some of these things (yes some are still present, but not as much) I miss the little things. Instead I see in their place things such as decorating my own tree (that I have done alone in years past), making my own cookies (though this is still a tradition my mom tries to do when I am home) and cooking my own turkey! I am glad in a way that these are traditions that I had as a child, and things I think very fondly about around this time of year. I have come to the realization that it is time for David and I to take on our own traditions, keeping some of the old ones and creating our own new ones. I can't help but wonder what our future children will see when they are grown and remember the things David and I did with them during the holidays.
The holidays also come with a certain sadness in our family now. We are grown up, and with that comes the dropping of certain childish traditions and separate lives. The holidays have also been sad since the loss of my grandfather, whom I miss dearly. He was a very special person in our childhood and someone who's loss is greatly felt in our hearts. Coming together on my mother's side of the family hasn't felt the same since, though we have moved on with our lives, we still take pause and remember.
Also during this time of the year I often find myself missing my siblings and parents much more. I miss Indiana and (oddly enough) the snow! I miss the days of going to the pumpkin patch with my brothers, picking pumpkins, and drinking warm apple cider. (Granted this tradition hasn't occurred since my youngest brother entered the phase of his life that this was no longer cool!) I find myself longing for those silly little outings as a family and I find myself regretting (however small) moving away from home. Of course Joshua and I no longer live at home, and Jacob is quickly approaching the age where he will leave the nest. Since we are scattered in our various homes, it makes family celebrations much more difficult. We must plan time to visit and make arrangements to leave our homes for periods of time. Unfortunately thats part of life when you are grown and away from home.
That being said, my conversations with David have turned to things that he misses from his childhood and traditions he would like to keep going. We both agree that things like a Christmas tree, pumpkins, and family dinners will be a must in our home, but aside from that we are uncertain. I of course will continue the practice of making turkey for Thanksgiving and dressing up for Halloween. (Though Halloween will be discussed as we have children) I'm certain that in years to come we will see where the road takes us and what traditions we will incorporate into our home.
Finally we ask for your prayers on a few things. I interviewed this week for a job that has been offered to me. We are waiting on the background check to come and then I may start. We also ask that you keep my Dad in your prayers. He has a case of cellulitess in his knee from a minor spill he took last week. He's on medication now and should be good as new soon. Just pray that everything heals well! Of course we ask that you continue to pray for my grandmother as she continues to battle the Lymphoma. And finally we ask you pray for our friends Bart and Andi Cameron as they will be heading back to the states from their internship in Mexico. Andi is pregnant (this is their first) and they will be continuing their educations at JBC coming in the spring. So they will have a few adjustments to make!! I am thrilled to no end for them (Andi was my roomate and I have known Bart since childhood) and continue to be amazed at the work God is doing in them and through them!! :-D
As always we love you guys!!
David and Sarah Heselton
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy Happenings
Hey guys!!
I just wanted to post a new update!!
David and I went on a retreat last week. What I thought could be a potentially dull weekend, (that I was very excited about doing) turned out to be an interesting weekend to say the least. Let me preface this by saying I DID HAVE FUN. Of course in this case there is a BUT involved, so let me elaborate. I have decided that I will list the pros and Cons of what happened during our trip.
1. I got to spend some time with my husband (always a plus!!)
2. I spent some time outside enjoying the beautiful creation of the Smokey Mountains.
3. I was able to learn some things.
4. David and I got into an interesting discussion about Ethics (the seminar/ retreat was for his Ethics class at JBC) and how we are to make decisions concerning ethics as Christians.
5. I was able to reconnect with some people that I dearly missed seeing.
6. Fellowship time with other Christians that I do not normally see.
7. Learned a few things about myself.
8. Met some of the professors and thier spouses.
9. Got to enjoy traditional camp fire w/ praise music and all!!!
10. Reexamine some goals and directions.
1. was the only spouse there that came along for the "ride."
2. Had to think of ways to entertain myself while David was in his classes.
3. Was made to feel unwelcomed by a few of the students (thats for another time and place)
4. had moments where I felt pretty bored!!
5. missed my dogs! I know its a lame con!! LOL
Aside from the retreat, David and I have been going about our usual routine. David has been working and I am still looking for another job. (Please keep praying about this one!!!) The holiday season is approaching quickly and we have been making preparations with friends and family for visits and celebrations. This will be slightly different for David and I this year, since we have two families to balance and our own traditions to establish. I look forward to the visits we will have with my family, but of course the holiday is tainted by the fears and musings as to if this will be my paternal grandmother's last year. I can't help but think that life has changed very rapidly in the course of just 5 months, but I am learning to roll with it! Life is insane and you can never tell what it will throw your way. All I can think is that if God didn't think we could handle it, then it wouldn't be happening.
I'm also learning that I am a much stronger person! I have handled things much more gracefully than I would have four years ago. I have lots of counseling, a transforming God and a patient support system to thank for that! I truly believe that much of who I am at this second can be attributed to the changes that have occurred in me through my faith in Christ! What an awesome, loving, an d amazing father we have!!
I am also coming to a better understanding of my parents. Particularly my mother. I have been able to understand her a bit better and I can only attribute this to being married. In all honesty, I understand that my parents aren't all full of fluff and really do have my best interest at heart. Sometimes I am frustrated with them, but I still love them and have grown to respect them. I guess its true what they say, you grow up, move away, get married and start your own family only to realize your parents weren't full of crap all along! (The family part will come much later, but you get what I'm saying)
As David and I continue to move forward in our marriage, plans, and relationship we ask that you continue to pray for us! Your prayers are being heard and are coveted!! I ask that you pray that God will continue to strengthen our marriage. I also am asking that you pray for wisdom for the two of us. Keep my paternal grandmother in your prayers. Moving forward in the coming months she will have surgery (the Monday before Thanksgiving) for the mass on her thyroid. Pray for Doctors and that they will do what is best for her. And finally, my former roomate and her family in your prayers. Her husband's grandmother passed away. Pray for safe travel and for support durning this difficult time in thier lives.
I just wanted to post a new update!!
David and I went on a retreat last week. What I thought could be a potentially dull weekend, (that I was very excited about doing) turned out to be an interesting weekend to say the least. Let me preface this by saying I DID HAVE FUN. Of course in this case there is a BUT involved, so let me elaborate. I have decided that I will list the pros and Cons of what happened during our trip.
1. I got to spend some time with my husband (always a plus!!)
2. I spent some time outside enjoying the beautiful creation of the Smokey Mountains.
3. I was able to learn some things.
4. David and I got into an interesting discussion about Ethics (the seminar/ retreat was for his Ethics class at JBC) and how we are to make decisions concerning ethics as Christians.
5. I was able to reconnect with some people that I dearly missed seeing.
6. Fellowship time with other Christians that I do not normally see.
7. Learned a few things about myself.
8. Met some of the professors and thier spouses.
9. Got to enjoy traditional camp fire w/ praise music and all!!!
10. Reexamine some goals and directions.
1. was the only spouse there that came along for the "ride."
2. Had to think of ways to entertain myself while David was in his classes.
3. Was made to feel unwelcomed by a few of the students (thats for another time and place)
4. had moments where I felt pretty bored!!
5. missed my dogs! I know its a lame con!! LOL
Aside from the retreat, David and I have been going about our usual routine. David has been working and I am still looking for another job. (Please keep praying about this one!!!) The holiday season is approaching quickly and we have been making preparations with friends and family for visits and celebrations. This will be slightly different for David and I this year, since we have two families to balance and our own traditions to establish. I look forward to the visits we will have with my family, but of course the holiday is tainted by the fears and musings as to if this will be my paternal grandmother's last year. I can't help but think that life has changed very rapidly in the course of just 5 months, but I am learning to roll with it! Life is insane and you can never tell what it will throw your way. All I can think is that if God didn't think we could handle it, then it wouldn't be happening.
I'm also learning that I am a much stronger person! I have handled things much more gracefully than I would have four years ago. I have lots of counseling, a transforming God and a patient support system to thank for that! I truly believe that much of who I am at this second can be attributed to the changes that have occurred in me through my faith in Christ! What an awesome, loving, an d amazing father we have!!
I am also coming to a better understanding of my parents. Particularly my mother. I have been able to understand her a bit better and I can only attribute this to being married. In all honesty, I understand that my parents aren't all full of fluff and really do have my best interest at heart. Sometimes I am frustrated with them, but I still love them and have grown to respect them. I guess its true what they say, you grow up, move away, get married and start your own family only to realize your parents weren't full of crap all along! (The family part will come much later, but you get what I'm saying)
As David and I continue to move forward in our marriage, plans, and relationship we ask that you continue to pray for us! Your prayers are being heard and are coveted!! I ask that you pray that God will continue to strengthen our marriage. I also am asking that you pray for wisdom for the two of us. Keep my paternal grandmother in your prayers. Moving forward in the coming months she will have surgery (the Monday before Thanksgiving) for the mass on her thyroid. Pray for Doctors and that they will do what is best for her. And finally, my former roomate and her family in your prayers. Her husband's grandmother passed away. Pray for safe travel and for support durning this difficult time in thier lives.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Here we go again
Hey all!
Its update time!!
Its been a busy week. David started his job this week and I couldn't be more proud of him! He's managing the working world and schooling world very well. Though this is stressful for both of us, we are dealing with the new challenges that come with David working as close to full time as he can get and going to school full time. We are overjoyed for the income, but I have still been spending a good bit of my time on the computer looking for jobs. Thankfully we have internet at home, so I am able to look on average 6-8 hours a day.
The weather has started to turn cooler and I am enjoying it to some degree! I have been busy washing summer clothes and fall clothes to trade out for the season. Talk about a lot of work!! Thankfully we have not had to run the heat or the AC and that is saving us a lot of money right now! Our house is a little cool, but we just layer on a sweatshirt or put our robes on. I have had to suck it up and wear socks (something i hate doing!!) but I am happy to do whatever we have to do to save money.
I went out to lunch on Friday with a really good friend and we had a really good time together. We spent much time talking about money, work and where David and I can go from here to work on bettering ourselves. I very much enjoy her company and we were very blessed to have them as our friends.
I also went on Saturday and spent the day with my friend Patty to help her move. We had a girls evening and it was the first time that I went out on my own since being married. It was a good time and I was glad to have some fellowship time with other Christian women. David had to work that evening and he enjoyed his evening at home relaxing after work.
Aside from all of the above, we have not had a very exciting life this week. We have enjoyed just being home when we can and being together. :-)
Its update time!!
Its been a busy week. David started his job this week and I couldn't be more proud of him! He's managing the working world and schooling world very well. Though this is stressful for both of us, we are dealing with the new challenges that come with David working as close to full time as he can get and going to school full time. We are overjoyed for the income, but I have still been spending a good bit of my time on the computer looking for jobs. Thankfully we have internet at home, so I am able to look on average 6-8 hours a day.
The weather has started to turn cooler and I am enjoying it to some degree! I have been busy washing summer clothes and fall clothes to trade out for the season. Talk about a lot of work!! Thankfully we have not had to run the heat or the AC and that is saving us a lot of money right now! Our house is a little cool, but we just layer on a sweatshirt or put our robes on. I have had to suck it up and wear socks (something i hate doing!!) but I am happy to do whatever we have to do to save money.
I went out to lunch on Friday with a really good friend and we had a really good time together. We spent much time talking about money, work and where David and I can go from here to work on bettering ourselves. I very much enjoy her company and we were very blessed to have them as our friends.
I also went on Saturday and spent the day with my friend Patty to help her move. We had a girls evening and it was the first time that I went out on my own since being married. It was a good time and I was glad to have some fellowship time with other Christian women. David had to work that evening and he enjoyed his evening at home relaxing after work.
Aside from all of the above, we have not had a very exciting life this week. We have enjoyed just being home when we can and being together. :-)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Happy Birthday and All that Jazz
Hello friends and family!
Well this post took me a little longer than a week to get to, but alas I do have some thoughts to pass along. Today is my birthday and I share it with several people I love! What a great way to celebrate!! However though today is my birthday it comes along with some bittersweet thoughts. Often it comes with the memories of birthdays passed and the fact that I am growing older. Though not necessarily a bad thing, I am reminded that I am no longer a child and the great big ball of excitement I once was as a child on my birthday is no longer there. As my dad says, it really has just become another day. Though don't get me wrong, I do smile quite a bit when friends and family tell me happy birthday and explain how blessed they are to have me around, it makes it quite nice!
On a much sadder note though, this day is often over shadowed by an event in my life that will forever bring sadness and an aching to my heart. As most of you know 4 years ago today was the last time I spoke with my grandfather. Five days later he was taken from us in a sudden death. Though I don't dwell on it, I often take pause on these days to remember him. I have private moments that will cause me to shed a small tear. I remember the man who loved his family very deeply and doted on his grandchildren only the way a grandparent could. I remember the fun times, yet also remember the man who was very stern when necessary. Yes indeed I am a person who remembers things (always have been always will be).
I do have plans today to celebrate with good friends. My former roommate and I also share a birthday. It should make for a fun evening! We are heading to a friends house at 6 to spend some quality time together that we haven't had a chance to do since David and I got married! Once we were married she herself became busy with the typical hustle and bustle that goes along with planning a wedding! It will be an enjoyable time had by all!
In the mean time, I am simply relaxing and enjoying the day! I plan on going to lunch with my husband to Mr. Gattis (To you non-Knoxville Folks, its equal to Cici's but better pizza in my opinion!), spend time with the dogs, and of course spend time with David.
Great news also came to us yesterday! David had an interview with Kroger and they gave him a drug test and background check! I'm so thrilled for him!! :-) This could mean great things for him! He said he went into the interview and everyone made him very comfortable, so of course he had no trouble interviewing! And of course, he went in wearing dress clothes! I was thrilled to see this one! David rarely wears them and he always looks so handome when he dresses up! Please keep praying about this potential job, he will hear back sometime next week. I will be sure to make it known if he gets a job.
We still have prayer concers though. My grandmother finishes Chemo either next week or the week after. Please pray she can make it through these. Also pray that God is guiding the hands of the doctors and for the possiblity of remission. We also ask for you to pray for us financialy. David has started reading through Dave Ramsey's financial peace book and I am rereading along with him. Our goal is to become debt free and to be able to better handle financial struggles when they come along.
As far as the next week goes, we will see what God brings us!
Sarah and David
Well this post took me a little longer than a week to get to, but alas I do have some thoughts to pass along. Today is my birthday and I share it with several people I love! What a great way to celebrate!! However though today is my birthday it comes along with some bittersweet thoughts. Often it comes with the memories of birthdays passed and the fact that I am growing older. Though not necessarily a bad thing, I am reminded that I am no longer a child and the great big ball of excitement I once was as a child on my birthday is no longer there. As my dad says, it really has just become another day. Though don't get me wrong, I do smile quite a bit when friends and family tell me happy birthday and explain how blessed they are to have me around, it makes it quite nice!
On a much sadder note though, this day is often over shadowed by an event in my life that will forever bring sadness and an aching to my heart. As most of you know 4 years ago today was the last time I spoke with my grandfather. Five days later he was taken from us in a sudden death. Though I don't dwell on it, I often take pause on these days to remember him. I have private moments that will cause me to shed a small tear. I remember the man who loved his family very deeply and doted on his grandchildren only the way a grandparent could. I remember the fun times, yet also remember the man who was very stern when necessary. Yes indeed I am a person who remembers things (always have been always will be).
I do have plans today to celebrate with good friends. My former roommate and I also share a birthday. It should make for a fun evening! We are heading to a friends house at 6 to spend some quality time together that we haven't had a chance to do since David and I got married! Once we were married she herself became busy with the typical hustle and bustle that goes along with planning a wedding! It will be an enjoyable time had by all!
In the mean time, I am simply relaxing and enjoying the day! I plan on going to lunch with my husband to Mr. Gattis (To you non-Knoxville Folks, its equal to Cici's but better pizza in my opinion!), spend time with the dogs, and of course spend time with David.
Great news also came to us yesterday! David had an interview with Kroger and they gave him a drug test and background check! I'm so thrilled for him!! :-) This could mean great things for him! He said he went into the interview and everyone made him very comfortable, so of course he had no trouble interviewing! And of course, he went in wearing dress clothes! I was thrilled to see this one! David rarely wears them and he always looks so handome when he dresses up! Please keep praying about this potential job, he will hear back sometime next week. I will be sure to make it known if he gets a job.
We still have prayer concers though. My grandmother finishes Chemo either next week or the week after. Please pray she can make it through these. Also pray that God is guiding the hands of the doctors and for the possiblity of remission. We also ask for you to pray for us financialy. David has started reading through Dave Ramsey's financial peace book and I am rereading along with him. Our goal is to become debt free and to be able to better handle financial struggles when they come along.
As far as the next week goes, we will see what God brings us!
Sarah and David
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Its Raining Its Pouring
Greetings all! Its update time!! :-D And today is a good day to do it! Its been raining all day long!
This week has been much better in some respects and difficult in others. My moods are on the upswing, making life a lot better to handle for both David and myself. I can only give credit to God on this one because there simply is no other way to explain it.
This week has progressed much like normal. I worked and David has been at school.My hours at work have been cut back for the time being until we can get the web page up and running. Its been frustrating for David and I, but nothing that we can't handle. As far as the rest of the home front goes, we haven't had anything too exciting aside from Odin actually reliving himself outside without prompting (probably our biggest feat yet!)
Of course its football time in our house and David has tolerated my minor obsession with the Colts well! :-) For all of you that don't know, David is a soccer fan, and doesn't really care either way when it comes to American football.
We also watched the VMA's on Sunday evening, due largely in part to the fact that I am a fan of Taylor Swift and she was going to preform. Our initial plan was to turn them on and watch her performance, and then flip to something else or go about our evening routine of David playing a video game while I surfe the net. Of course (as if you haven't heard already) Taylor won best female video of the year (much to my excitment) but in the middle of her speech Kanye West jumped up on the stage and stole the mic from her in the middle of her acceptance speech. Needless to say David and I were both equally appaled. We culd not imagine how or why someone would do such a thing. Never the less, we continued to watch (or rather I did) to see what other things were going to happen durning the show. I came to several conclusions about things while i was watching. Here goes the list:
1. Lady Gaga had some pretty insane outfits and am not sure if they were for the attention or for something else like she just has strange taste in clothing.
2. Taylor Swift, as always, was tastefully dressed.
3. Russel Brand is annoying as all get out on stage and I wanted to smack him several times during the show. He's such a pig!
4. Pink's preformance was awesome! I very much enjoyed the accrobatics!
5. Beyonce's gesture to Taylor Swift was something rarely seen in a celebrity and I was very impressed!
To finish off my update, I still have a few prayer requests. David still hasn't found a job yet. Much to our dismay it is very difficult due to the fact that NO ONE is hiring right now. Supposedly the ecconomy is on the uprise, so we will see if that is true in the next few weeks if David can find a job. As I mentioned before my hours at work have been cut and we are praying that the provisions from God continue to happen. He has blessed us so far and just when we don't think we will have enough he somehow provides for us! Still baffles me, but I am thankful all the time for it! :-)
Sarah and David
This week has been much better in some respects and difficult in others. My moods are on the upswing, making life a lot better to handle for both David and myself. I can only give credit to God on this one because there simply is no other way to explain it.
This week has progressed much like normal. I worked and David has been at school.My hours at work have been cut back for the time being until we can get the web page up and running. Its been frustrating for David and I, but nothing that we can't handle. As far as the rest of the home front goes, we haven't had anything too exciting aside from Odin actually reliving himself outside without prompting (probably our biggest feat yet!)
Of course its football time in our house and David has tolerated my minor obsession with the Colts well! :-) For all of you that don't know, David is a soccer fan, and doesn't really care either way when it comes to American football.
We also watched the VMA's on Sunday evening, due largely in part to the fact that I am a fan of Taylor Swift and she was going to preform. Our initial plan was to turn them on and watch her performance, and then flip to something else or go about our evening routine of David playing a video game while I surfe the net. Of course (as if you haven't heard already) Taylor won best female video of the year (much to my excitment) but in the middle of her speech Kanye West jumped up on the stage and stole the mic from her in the middle of her acceptance speech. Needless to say David and I were both equally appaled. We culd not imagine how or why someone would do such a thing. Never the less, we continued to watch (or rather I did) to see what other things were going to happen durning the show. I came to several conclusions about things while i was watching. Here goes the list:
1. Lady Gaga had some pretty insane outfits and am not sure if they were for the attention or for something else like she just has strange taste in clothing.
2. Taylor Swift, as always, was tastefully dressed.
3. Russel Brand is annoying as all get out on stage and I wanted to smack him several times during the show. He's such a pig!
4. Pink's preformance was awesome! I very much enjoyed the accrobatics!
5. Beyonce's gesture to Taylor Swift was something rarely seen in a celebrity and I was very impressed!
To finish off my update, I still have a few prayer requests. David still hasn't found a job yet. Much to our dismay it is very difficult due to the fact that NO ONE is hiring right now. Supposedly the ecconomy is on the uprise, so we will see if that is true in the next few weeks if David can find a job. As I mentioned before my hours at work have been cut and we are praying that the provisions from God continue to happen. He has blessed us so far and just when we don't think we will have enough he somehow provides for us! Still baffles me, but I am thankful all the time for it! :-)
Sarah and David
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Happy Thursday
Happy Thursday everyone! Here is our most recent update:
Thursday is fellowship/ game night with our friends. We hosted this week playing farkle and having nachos to munch on! It was a good time for everyone! We watched part of the Steelers/ Titans game as a good bit of our friends are Steelers fans! I am currently watching the end of the game and its tied with 44 seconds to go. Looks like this one will be going into over time!
I'm greatful for the fact that we have cable this football season and that David isn't opposed to letting me watch my Colts play! (Ok they aren't MY Colts per say, but I'm a big supporter and fan!!) Ah the smell and sound of fall has finally approached us! :-)
David was sadly holed up in the office during the fellowship time working on homework! Poor guy! But that is the life of a college student! I am so incredibly proud of him for going to school and getting a degree that I can't be annoyed or upset that he is making his school work a priority right now!
Other news for us includes the fact that we have been visiting Two Rivers church again. I'm very fond of the church and was excited on Sunday after the sermon to hear that the preacher is from Kokomo Indiana! Kind of cool to hear! The sermon was about community and the importance of getting involved in a small group outside of your "regular" church service. The preacher made a good point that there is most definatly a time and a place for the big group fellowship, but that in a church that size we need to be plugged in with a smaller group of Christians. Its very important to have a small group of friends to ask the tough questions like "how are you doing in your walk?" and "what can we pray for you for?"
One more bit of news that I want to pass along. In continuation of asking for prayers I am still asking that you pray for my Grandmother (Warren). As most of you know she has Lymphoma "all through her body" and is currently undergoing chemo for this. As I mentioned last week, the doctors found a mass on her thyroid. My father passed the information on to me that she will undergo surgery after she has finished Chemo. She will go under the knife for the doctors to explore and figure out what this mass may be. While in there they will send a sample to the lab and find out if it is cancer. If it is they will remove the mass and progress from there.
We are also asking for prayer for me. I am also fighting depression a bit. Some days are worse than others. I can usually push through things, but there are days that no matter how hard I try I feel overwhelmed. David is very supportive is hanging in there quite well on those days that I have trouble. I'm very proud of him for helping me through on the rough days! Thank God for such a good friend and spouse! :-)
Thursday is fellowship/ game night with our friends. We hosted this week playing farkle and having nachos to munch on! It was a good time for everyone! We watched part of the Steelers/ Titans game as a good bit of our friends are Steelers fans! I am currently watching the end of the game and its tied with 44 seconds to go. Looks like this one will be going into over time!
I'm greatful for the fact that we have cable this football season and that David isn't opposed to letting me watch my Colts play! (Ok they aren't MY Colts per say, but I'm a big supporter and fan!!) Ah the smell and sound of fall has finally approached us! :-)
David was sadly holed up in the office during the fellowship time working on homework! Poor guy! But that is the life of a college student! I am so incredibly proud of him for going to school and getting a degree that I can't be annoyed or upset that he is making his school work a priority right now!
Other news for us includes the fact that we have been visiting Two Rivers church again. I'm very fond of the church and was excited on Sunday after the sermon to hear that the preacher is from Kokomo Indiana! Kind of cool to hear! The sermon was about community and the importance of getting involved in a small group outside of your "regular" church service. The preacher made a good point that there is most definatly a time and a place for the big group fellowship, but that in a church that size we need to be plugged in with a smaller group of Christians. Its very important to have a small group of friends to ask the tough questions like "how are you doing in your walk?" and "what can we pray for you for?"
One more bit of news that I want to pass along. In continuation of asking for prayers I am still asking that you pray for my Grandmother (Warren). As most of you know she has Lymphoma "all through her body" and is currently undergoing chemo for this. As I mentioned last week, the doctors found a mass on her thyroid. My father passed the information on to me that she will undergo surgery after she has finished Chemo. She will go under the knife for the doctors to explore and figure out what this mass may be. While in there they will send a sample to the lab and find out if it is cancer. If it is they will remove the mass and progress from there.
We are also asking for prayer for me. I am also fighting depression a bit. Some days are worse than others. I can usually push through things, but there are days that no matter how hard I try I feel overwhelmed. David is very supportive is hanging in there quite well on those days that I have trouble. I'm very proud of him for helping me through on the rough days! Thank God for such a good friend and spouse! :-)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Heselton Happenings
Dear friends and Family,
Our first official blog! :-) I decided that this would be a good way to have everyone keep up with what is happening in the Heselton household! :-) We have been insanely busy the last few weeks! David started classes a week ago and in that time a lot has happened! So here is a recap...
Last week David started school. Always an exciting time, but this year has been especially exciting! David is in his last semester of school and we couldn't be happier! Thanks to all of our family members and their love and support! He is taking a music appreciation class, a biology class/ lab (I have actually been probing through this text book) a capstone class and chapel. We have settled quite nicely into the routine of him being in school. We've had to tweak a couple things to our schedules, but nothing that is unbearable.
I have been insanely busy at work trying my best to keep up with the new changes to our ordering department! We launched the new web page today, so I am excited to see where it will take my job and what new opportunities will open up for me. I've already had the chance to learn some HTML coding, something I never though I would need to know. Bethany and I have been working our butts off for the last month trying to get everything ready to go, but alas all the hard work is paying off and we have a new web page to show for it. :-) (Check it out I'm really proud of it!
As for David and I as a couple, we are really enjoying being married. There is always some new challenge, but we have met the ones we have faced so far with determination to not let them beat us. :-) We do have some prayer concerns. As you all know David has been looking for a job for months now and still nothing has turned up. Please pray that God will present us with something soon. Anything at this point in the game would be worth it to us!
We also ask that you pray for my grandmother. We got word from her that she had a biopsy last week on her thyroid and things didn't look so good. She was to meet with a specialist on Tuesday, but I haven't received word yet about what the doctor said. We are praying for good news, but are prepared for not so good news. God has been faithful so far, and we are trusting that he has a plan and purpose, though we may not see it at this time.
Also pray for my back. I have been having some terrible trouble with pain that we are not sure where it is coming from. I threw it out about two years ago, and still pain plagues me almost daily. Loosing weight has helped some, but we are working hard to get a better handle on both or our weights. Be praying for that as well. That we have strength and determination to win our battle of the bulge.
As always we love you all and miss you!
Sarah and David
Our first official blog! :-) I decided that this would be a good way to have everyone keep up with what is happening in the Heselton household! :-) We have been insanely busy the last few weeks! David started classes a week ago and in that time a lot has happened! So here is a recap...
Last week David started school. Always an exciting time, but this year has been especially exciting! David is in his last semester of school and we couldn't be happier! Thanks to all of our family members and their love and support! He is taking a music appreciation class, a biology class/ lab (I have actually been probing through this text book) a capstone class and chapel. We have settled quite nicely into the routine of him being in school. We've had to tweak a couple things to our schedules, but nothing that is unbearable.
I have been insanely busy at work trying my best to keep up with the new changes to our ordering department! We launched the new web page today, so I am excited to see where it will take my job and what new opportunities will open up for me. I've already had the chance to learn some HTML coding, something I never though I would need to know. Bethany and I have been working our butts off for the last month trying to get everything ready to go, but alas all the hard work is paying off and we have a new web page to show for it. :-) (Check it out I'm really proud of it!
As for David and I as a couple, we are really enjoying being married. There is always some new challenge, but we have met the ones we have faced so far with determination to not let them beat us. :-) We do have some prayer concerns. As you all know David has been looking for a job for months now and still nothing has turned up. Please pray that God will present us with something soon. Anything at this point in the game would be worth it to us!
We also ask that you pray for my grandmother. We got word from her that she had a biopsy last week on her thyroid and things didn't look so good. She was to meet with a specialist on Tuesday, but I haven't received word yet about what the doctor said. We are praying for good news, but are prepared for not so good news. God has been faithful so far, and we are trusting that he has a plan and purpose, though we may not see it at this time.
Also pray for my back. I have been having some terrible trouble with pain that we are not sure where it is coming from. I threw it out about two years ago, and still pain plagues me almost daily. Loosing weight has helped some, but we are working hard to get a better handle on both or our weights. Be praying for that as well. That we have strength and determination to win our battle of the bulge.
As always we love you all and miss you!
Sarah and David
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