Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Demise of the Family

In my home town there is a local church that puts on a Easter Pageant. Today I saw an article about this special event stating that the pageant was starting to die. Due to the economy money was not being donated and the event could not find volunteers willing to act in the play. This got my wheels turning and I realized how little importance people place on events requiring us to gather as a family. We choose to chase the moment and refuse to stop and take pause and acknowledge from where we originated.

Even if you are not a Christian, Easter still held a small amount of importance to the family unit. The fact of the matter is we have become completely self absorbed to the point that we have allowed the very concept of family to fall by the wayside. No matter how you slice it, we have forgotten the simple concept of family and have chosen to turn away and become self reliant. Family once held a special place in our hearts and we were not bothered to take time off to remember this fact.

The truth of the matter is that the whole concept of family has been marred by convenience. A great example of this is the TV dinner. With the invention of this meal, family no longer was required to sit at the dinner table to share their meal, instead we chose to drift in the direction of the television, speaking to each other only when required. Eventually the invention of pizza and fast food no longer required us to even be in the same household to obtain our meals. Now it is extraordinary to find a family that sits at the dinning room table. During family meals at the holidays we become frustrated with those around us and become annoyed with the very idea of spending time together.

Divorce is another common factor in the demise of the family unit. Children are forced to choose between sides of the family and the courts delegate where they must spend their time. I honestly believe that because we spend little time together as a family, thus not connecting on a personal level with our spouse, we forget the importance of the family unit. Parents become focused on the children and not on their spouse, when in fact the husband and the wife are what created the family in the first place. With out quality time, a husband and a wife will drift apart, creating complications in the marriage. I can guarantee you the couples who have strong marriages take pause to share time alone reconnecting. Its vital to a marriage and vital to the family unit.

Family units also are falling apart due to a lack of respect for one another. There was a time not so long ago that children respected their parents, making certain to listen to them when instructed to do so. Children acknowledged the authority their parents held over them and honored the wishes of their parents. Somewhere along the lines children began to become more independent and believed they were entitled to make their own decisions, going against everything their parents taught them. I myself was guilty of this attitude, believing I was above the instruction of my mother and father! With this attitude comes stress for a mother and father that can do irreparable damage to a marriage and a family. Lines of communication break down and children go undisciplined.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I found this today

I was sifting through some of my old notes on Facebook, trying to find a subject matter to write about when an old post rang out loud and clear. (I will attach this note at the bottom of this post so that you know what I am talking about) As many, if not all of you, have heard by now the health care bill was passed Sunday evening. I am very displeased by this, yet somehow God found a way to speak to me through the current political turmoil that we are facing. I posted a note on Facebook the night after President Obama was elected and it caught my eye, bringing to my attention the very points I laid out in the note almost a year and a half ago.

Interestingly enough, I felt a big God sized slap on the back of my head when I read this and I was reminded of what I stand for as a Christian, as well as an American. I stated in the note that I did not have to like the policies of our current president, and I still stand by that fact. I remember very vividly writing the note and stating the fact that a change was about to occure in our country, and be it good or bad God would have control over the events about to unfold. Boy have I lost sight of that simple fact! God is in control and I must be reminded of this.

That being said God may be in control, but there are things I can do as a voter to prevent this bill from going forward. Many of you that know me, know that I am an extremely conservative voter whom believes that everyone should do thier part to get the right person in office. I also do not believe in slapping a label of Republican, Democrat, Libritarian, or Independant on any one voter. I hate being sterotyped to the very core of my being, and from a very early age I began to make that clear. Unfortunatly because I am a conservative voter, I have been labeled as an idiot whom has no understanding of the political system. In some respects this is true; I can not say with complete confidence that I know exactly how the political system works. That being said, I do know how to research an issue and if there is something that I do not understand I know how to ask questions to aid me in becoming more knowledgeable of politics or any other subject matter that I so desire to learn more about.

In my note I also said that I would offer my congratulations to Obama and his camp of officials helping to get him elected, even though I disagreed with everything he stood for. I still stand by this believe. I do not agree with anything Obama stands for as a lawmaker, but unfortunately I have to support him until in two more years I can vote again for the next person I believe to be the best choice. I believe that as a country we need to stand as one to support and build up the leaders of this country. Again I state, I don't have to like him, but I do have to respect him.

I also believe in uniting as a country to mobilize and get the word out about issues that we are concerned over. I belive that is what our country was built on, and is very fundemental in activating the changes we so desire as Americans. It only takes one person to start a change. Look at great examples like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, and George Washington. All three people stood up for what they believed in and as a result a change was brought to America. Admittedly with George Washington it was "America" yet, but you get the point I am making. To quote myself "Change is coming, and its going to come fast." Be that change!

Blog titled Presidential Elections Written November 6, 2008

Well, as you have all heard by now (unless you live under a rock) Obama has been elected our president and history has been made. Since the election is over, I have seen mixed reactions by those around me, ranging from anger, to discouragement, to fear for our country.

With that being said, I have some thoughts I would like to share with you and some questions that I would like to pose to you. I have witnessed some disturbing things among the people of America concerning this election, but I have also seen some encouraging things too. My eyes have been opened to the inner workings of our country and I have learned much more than I did the first time I voted.

Now that I've got that said, I would like to say that indeed I did NOT vote for Obama. I felt the need to vote for the person whom I felt had the most experience, could do the job well, and whom would stand for what I believed in as a Christian. In my opinion I felt as though McCain fit all of this criteria the best, so naturally that is whom I voted for. I have received mixed reactions ranging from "What were you thinking?" to "Way to go!" I suddenly came to the realization that because this is America, people ARE going to have differences in opinion and their opinion is not always going to line up with mine. I have come to the conclusion that it is not the difference in opinions that bother me, so much as the attitude you carry when discussing those opinions. What is your attitude when you discuss your opinion on the election (or any opinion for that matter)? Is it that of respect for the other person despite the fact that you disagree with what they say? Or do you find yourself becoming angry over their opinion? Or do you simply find yourself becoming angry because they do not agree with what you believe in?

Secondly, I have also noticed with this election that there has been much labeling from each party. Why do we have to have labels for what we believe in? Yes I lean more towards the Republican party, but because I do so, I am suddenly labeled "Republican." I would like to make one thing very clear right now, just because you have Republican or Democrat on your voter registration card, it does not mean that you are one or the other. I am very conservative in my politics, but if I feel that a "Democrat" will do the best job as the leader of my community, state, or country, you can bet that I will vote for them! We should be voting for whom we feel will do the best in office, not on what party we identify the most with. I resent it when someone slaps a label on a person based on their beliefs! I am proud to admit that most of the time I am a "Republican" but why do we have to have a label for it? Why can't I just say I'm and American!?

Thirdly, I am greatly disturbed by the way the losers in this case have responded. Yes, there has been some gloating from the winning supporters, but in general, I have noticed more bad attitudes from the losers than the winners. Please people, we are already living in times of turmoil, do we need to add fighting about who's the better person? Just because I do not agree with what Obama stands for, does not mean that I can not stand behind him and support him as the leader of my country. I will admit that at first I was angry and did not want to listen to anything that anyone had to say about Obama's win (and for that I am VERY sorry!), but I have come to the realization that what has been done is done, and there is nothing that I can do to change that. I don't agree with him on a lot of things (but that I can save for a conversation in person), but just because I don't agree with him doesn't mean that I shouldn't support him as my leader. If any good is to come of this election, we need to stand together as ONE country and support those who have the power to make the decisions directly affecting us. I am just asking you to think about your attitude and ask yourself if you are allowing the hatred to breed in this country that we have been trying to avoid for so long.

I also would like to offer my congratulations to the Obama camp on a well run campaign and victory. I don't have to like what your candidate stands for, but because he will be my leader beginning January 20, 2009, I have to stand behind him. I will continue to pray for him and that he will make the right choices to keep this country running well. I can't change his opinion, but I sure can pray that it will be changed somehow.

As for the rest of us, let's admit defeat, stand up and unite together to be the catalyst for change that needs to happen in this country. Change is coming, and it is going to come fast. I can't say if it will be a bumpy or smooth road, but what I can say is that God will be in control of it all. Let us have our eyes opened to the importance of prayer when it comes to our lives, whether it be the little things, or the big things. We need to be the change this country so desperately needs, and as Christians we need to bring Christ back into our government and our communities. Think about the choices you make and how they affect the people around you, be it positive or negative.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Married Life

Hey all!!

I know, I have been rather lax as of late on my blogging, but I'm back. I assure you that I will TRY to be a little more faithful about updating you on our lives. With that being said I have a few thoughts to share with you!

Next week will mark eight months of being married, and I have learned a lot about my spouse in this time! Most of it is good learning, but of course when you live with a person there are little things that annoy you about the other! For example, David has this annoying habit of letting his clothing drop where ever he sees fit! It drives me nuts!! Before getting married I would do pretty much the same thing, however I contained my mess to the bathroom and my bedroom. David however leaves his clothing laying everywhere from the laundry room floor (on a lucky day!) to the kitchen floor. Yes you read that correctly, the KITCHEN FLOOR!!!!! This of course drives me completely berserk, but I just grit me teeth and deal with it, because no matter how many times I ask him, he still does it. I just have had to learn to take it as one of the quirks about David that drives me crazy, but oddly enough I don't think I would change!

That being said, David does try really hard and I have to give him credit for this! He is all to often willing to take out the trash when I ask him. Its the one chore that when I lived on my own I HATED doing and still to this day loath with a passion! Thankfully David does it now and I don't have to deal with the smelly task! He also helps keep the laundry going and walks the dogs in the evening. Though it doesn't sound like a lot, I take pride in doing the house work and actually enjoy the task of caring for our home. (Surprise Mom and Dad! Bet you never thought you would hear me say that!!!!)

David and I have also had a rough few months of marriage as well. Not to say that it was rough for us in a negative way, just that we have had to learn how to manage money a little differently than we did when we were single. Now instead of making a purchase because we "need" something, we are consulting each other every time we spend even so much as a penny. Its a good practice and helps us from spending money on things that aren't necessarily important.

Our bond has grown stronger as well. I cherish every moment I get to spend time with David and I enjoy the simple pleasures of married life, like sitting together on the couch to watch a movie. :-) We laugh often together and his silly sense of humor helps when we are both stressed and need a few minutes to unwind. We of course also love spending time with our dogs and do so on a nightly basis. For now they are our children and we enjoy every minute with them! :-) As silly as it sounds we love them and view them as a part of our family, doing everything we can to provide for them. :-)

All in all I have to say that married life is definitely for me! I have chosen a partner whom I can rely on for support, friendship and unconditional love. David is truly a blessing and I would not choose anyone but him to keep for the rest of my life! :-)