Monday, May 16, 2011


I must first apologize to the ones I love who read this blog and have been checking to see if I have updated recently, I must say I have been quite lazy about getting into town to put updates online. That being said, our happy little home is doing well! :-)

David and I found out in February that we are expecting a little girl and I couldn't be more thrilled (he is too)! We have chosen the name Alexandra Danielle. When we chose her name we wanted it to have a special meaning that held significance for us as parents and also for what we believe in. Alexandra means "defender of man kind" and Danielle means "God is my Judge." Danielle also holds an extra special place in my heart as it is the feminine form of my late grandfather's name.

We have set up the nursery and started all of the major prep work for baby to get here. When we went to the doctor last Wednesday Alex was head down and had dropped a bit. (Scary!!!) The alarm bells of the mother of all instincts have been triggered (nesting) and panic mode has started to set in about the prospect of being a parent very soon! Though I can't say this isn't something I have wanted for a long time (heck if we're honest I wanted to be a mother within a few short months of getting married) I can also honestly say that I am scared silly about being responsible for something so small and helpless. I sometimes find myself looking at my growing belly and thinking "Are you nuts?! You might ruin this precious little girl!"

Admittedly I have always been made to be a mother, I've known this fact for years, but nothing can ever prepare you for the harsh reality of becoming a parent. I'm scared in so many ways that I can hardly express them all. I never knew what I was ACTUALLY getting myself into, but I do know that I love our little girl more than anything I ever thought possible. She is the most precious gift and as I grow and prepare to become a mother my love for her and for my husband grows daily.